Marine resources are of vital importance to the people of the Grenadines, yet planning and management of the use of marine resources of the Grenada Bank is becoming increasingly complex.
What is MarSIS?
The Grenadines Marine Resource and Space-use Information System (MarSIS) is a Participatory Geographical Information System (PGIS).
The development of the MarSIS database formed a part of Dr.Kimberly Baldwin's PhD research supervised by Professors Robin Mahon
The MarSIS has been developed as a decision-making tool to support transboundary marine resource planning and management. By using GIS, existing scientific information has been merged with the local knowledge of the marine environment to highlight areas important for conservation and livelihoods and provide a wider information base to allow for informed decision-making process between the countries of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Data collection for the MarSIS is complete and information is publicly available on this website in the form of documents, maps and as a database (available in both Google Earth and ArcGIS version 10) formats. If you would like the MarSIS in ArcGIS please email Kim Baldwin for access to the Grenadines MarSIS DropBox file sharing website.
** In early 2013, the Grenadines MarSIS will also be available for
download via the Caribbean Marine Atlas website **
Grenadines MarSIS includes information on: